Monday, February 8, 2010

Define Friends????????

Reading Isabel's post on defining friends got me remembering my own speech.It was around five seconds but I still remember the starting line, "What is friends? Is it someone that we borrow homework from to copy? Is it someone who is always there for you?". So what is the definition of friends? Is it merely someone who shares your jokes? Or does it go deeper than that? Do we have a connection, a bond, that absolute feeling that you can trust that certain someone to your death? Or are we all just friends with benefits? In life we meet many different kinds of people. Kind ones, selfish ones, cruel despicable ones, timid ones, brave ones, there are just so many types of personalities out there. How do we know which one would be our perfect match? Which is the one that can share our ups and downs?

Sometimes I too wonder if I can trust the certain people which I hang out with. Its hard to judge a book by it cover. You would never know what they are thinking inside. I guess only in certain circumstances that we can know who we ought to hold true to our hearts.

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